Monday, Jun. 06, 2005

Captain Oh, Captain

No I don't "want (you) to try" one of my muffins.

I made them for me.

Now if you want properly ask and stop making everything out like you're always doing everyone such huge favors by exsisting then maybe I'll be willing to share.

Furthermore, riding my ass about pictures and talking to me like I'm stupid because I accidentl clicked a wrong button will NOT make me want to do things for you in the future. Especially since I know you want me to print off a million pictures for your mom so you can send them to her, take creditf or it, and clear your conscience of basically doing as little as possible to show you care about the woman who gave you life.

My grandma is close to dying, it would be nice for you to at least once remember thats he is you WIFE'S MOTHER and thus whether you like her or not, a valued family member. Giving my mother grief because she's grieving for her mother and will need to spend money to go home to her mother's funeral, will not be esily forgiven mister man. You need to grow the hell up and supprt your wife in her time of need.

It would also be nice if you'd stop with the "My moms gonna die soon to, cause she's old." everytime my mom tries to talk about her mother.

I know you have a thing for believe that being old being automatically in the grave and can't seem to stand the idea that someone else may need more attention than you, but really please, stop it.

Now I do understand that you get it a little rough this time of the month because both mom and I start around the same time and have all kinds of raging and conflicting hormones. So, for my part of the bitchyness I do apologize.

Never the less, it would be nice if you'd stop being a poo head in a few areas.

Granted you don't read this, but yeah, it'll stop me from killing you today.

So have a nice one.

Peace out.

harlemrain at 9:59 pm

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