Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004

Have you loved a Baz today?

Lit II may not be as unbearable as LitI after all.

I have the same teacher, but he's less paper happy this semester.

Some guy up in the front was very amused with Heather and I today.

I don't blame him though, we were on a roll today.

I like hanging out with her when she's not being all negative/black cloudish.

Only thing that irked me was the constant hinting that she thinks I should stay here for her.

I've been encourgaing her to apply to the college in California she wants to go to.

No, not just to get rid of her, but because I was hoping maybe looking forward to that would give her something positive to think about.

Yeah I know *slaps forehead*

Now I hear the comment, "You have Ohio, and thats good for you, I just wish I had a chance in hell of getting out of here since I'll be all alone now.... *heavy sigh*"


I'm leaving my father and my grabndparents who acted as second parents to me... no I'm not staying for you.

I'm moving dammit.

In other news, I've decided that everyone should have a Bazy... shes awesome.

Even though she bites and smacks my ass...

harlemrain at 2:22 am

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