Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003

I toodled by myself today!!!

I toodled by myself today!!!

I went to Boarders and several other stores located in this strip mall thingy that's like maybe a mile tops from my house.

This place scares me because there's a huge walmart that's always busy and it's located off of one of the busiest streets on this side of town.

I was driving home from my canceled Religion class pixed off.

I swear someone's been fuckin with my karma or somethin.

Yesterday I was grumpy and pissed off at everything for no reason.

Today I skipped the English Nazi's class like I said I would, and then didn't want to get up to go to Religion, but my teacher lectures and we were supposed to start Christianity today so I knew I really needed to go.

I was ten minutes late getting out the door, then I got stuck behind every slow old person on the road, and found every road that had only one lane due to construction of some type, and had to search for a parking space at school.

I was sure I was gonna be late, or at least too late to get my seat in the far back corner.

I walk in and the room's vacent, I just figure tha I've set my car clock way too fast again and head in only to find a big note on the board stating that the class was cancelled today.

It wouldn't have irked me had I not already been flustered.

I've been pondering whether or not I wanted to venture out some where on my own for a few weeks now, but I've always found reasons I had to go home.

Today I decided that since I had some time to kill and nothing I really wanted to do here, I'd do it.

And I did and damn it I feel good.

harlemrain at 3:12 pm

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