Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004

"The fantastic-ness continues"

Tuesday, November 16th 2:45

The fantastic-ness continues

I'm writing this in the Starbucks in the new regular sized Target. I came here after getting up two hours early, in hopes of finding a brand new, hours old release of Bon Jovi's new boxset.

I hurried to the back of the store and looked around frantically not seeing anything sign of it being here.

"That can't be though" I assured myself "It was released at midnight so they probably got a cajillion of them in at least a week ago..."

I finally found the spot where it belonged and a signed saying it was on sale for a very reasonable 39.99 until November 22.

But where were they??

The spot was EMPTY!

I tokk a few deep breathes and located a clerk who worked back there (his vest said so, thats how I know smartass) and asked him with a very sweet and polite smile if he had any.

"No, I'm really sorry, they haven't come in yet."

"But you do expect some soon?"

"I hope so."

I thanked him and walked away while my insides started to shake and quiver in panic and sadness.

Now I was stranded at Target and it was all for nothing *sob* they didn't even have my precious boxset.

I wandered around for a while...

Yes, yes I did just say I was stranded...

Well you see, Iggy decided to turn into a giantic piece of shit on the way to Target and made me feel unsafe driving in him to get the three miles it takes to get home let alone the 25 miles to school.

Bad Iggy! BAD!

I knew my mom had been having meetings lately, but I think this constitues as a slight emergency like situion so I called her, text messaged her, and have been calling her work number every 15 minutes or so, and plan to do so again until she answers.

By the way, the "Calm" Hot tea here, don't get it, it states like I'm drinking a flower bed, dirt, weeds and all.

I doubt I'll make it school today, because even if I were by some miracle on time, I'm really in no condition to take a test.

I'm really not sure what's going on with this week, but I dont like it.

I got ahold of mom and she came to get me.

We drove to the car shop by our house and turned Iggy in. They guy gave us a few suggestion of what the problem could be, but said he needed to look him over better to be sure. So now I wait and pary that a) Iggy can be fix b) if he can be fixed, he can be fixed quickly so I don't have to miss school or be dropped off at 8 am and stay till 6 pm and c) if he can be fixed it doesn't cost the inheritance I would haven gotten someday.

Not a good week at all.

I want my boxset.

harlemrain at 4:27 pm

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