Tuesday, Jan. 06, 2004

Ha. Ha.

I have been instructed to tell you that The Baz finds this amusing.

She wants everyone to go read it... she also wants her own diary, but she was blessed with me for an owner and I'm too lazy to decipher every little meow she throws at me (there's quite a few thrown around here, imagine my cat has attitude) so she can to continue her tape logs and written diary.

But, um, yeah and stuff... Bazy says you should check it out.


I have plans to start a major dunging out of my living area today.

I dunno how far I'll get... but thats my plan.

I finally stopped rerunning everything I ate last night.

I think I've lost like 10 pounds and got particulary contankerous from the lack of real food.

I still have one more week off after this one and kinda sorta want to go see my grandparents in McPherson, but between being tired from all the disease battling I've done and being scared to be anywhere around anyone or anything that's been sick with in the past few weeks, I dunno what to do.

Oh and I still have this rash that I'm fairly sure is related to strep throat...

I haven't been to the doctor yet because I really didn't want them shoving a big ol cotton swab down my throat while I was already gagging and throwing up.

I guess now that I'm done I should get this checked out huh?

Probably a good idea... with it spreading an all.

Maybe this is God finally getting around to all those pleas I made in grade school to be sick.

I figured he had a long waiting list... but this is kinda ridiculious y'know?

What good is a sick day on the only desent and seriously needed vacation I've had?

I'm not laughing dude. Seriously... not funny.

harlemrain at 1:01 pm

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