Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004

Shelter Me

I need a break from homework, so I'm going to talk with you for a minute. I hope you don't mind.

My cognitive psychology class may just be the one to blow my brains apart.

She promised no major term papers but every other week I have two reviews (one book, one movie) and all the reading in this boring text book.

I haven't touched my "Conversations With God" book this week, I need to, obviously, since th review for this week's section in due it less than 12 hours, but my brain hasn't really be up for all the thought needed to get through a simple page of it.

I watched "The Green Mile" for my movie review, I'd seen bits and pieces of it before, but have never been able to sit and watch the full thing. My senses are too delicate I guess. I just can't take all that happens, but at the same time I wanna watch and see it work out (cause it just has too damn it, it has to) because like pretty much everything else I do, I tend to get very involved with movies I watch.

My tummy's now in knots and my eyes burn from the three hours of sobbing, but some how I have to get a review written for it and part of my book read so I can quickly write a review for it.

I figured out tonight why I've been so tired lately.

All this damn thinking.

Now, I view myself as an at least semi-intelligent individual and I value a good thought as much as a fancy pants scholar might, but I also value my time to be a mush brain, spaz burger and laugh at Bevis and Butthead and Adult Swim.

I can't handle constant, serious, deep, mind expanding/boggling thought for hours on end. I just can't. I gives me migraines, makees me like a vegatable, and exhausts me to no end.

I dropped into bed around 2 this morning and slept till 2:30 this afternoon. I woke up feeling more tired than when I went to sleep.

Yesterday I had tidel waves of stoamch acid gush from my body into the bathroom skin while I was trying to brush my teeth in efforts to get ready for school.

My body just doesn't seem to want to handle this much thinking.

I get to the weekend and I don't even want ot think about what color of underwear I wanna wear, let alone to actually function.

It's icky feeling, this not wanting to think, but I'm not really sure what to do about it.

But on the flip side I guess trying to make sense of the universe has left me with little time to worry about my own little world and what is or isn't wrong with me.

In other news:

I saw a snippet of John Kerry on TV the other night and I'm not sure why or how... but he gave me "good vibes"....

harlemrain at 12:32 am

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