Wednesday, Mar. 02, 2005

I left my fat rolls in Wichita

I slept through two alarms today.

Apparently shoveling snow makes me sleepy.

I had a weird dream that some guy was harrassing me via e-mail and guestbook comments because I didn't clearly explain trees in my yard and more importantly he found out I was too young for him to date. I used, the ever so common expression in my house of, "Duuuuude." and he figured out that I was 18 (?) and started a massive spaming attack on me.

It was very strange, and I didn't particularly like the fact that my mom agreed with him about the trees, but I was honest, hehe didn't ask for specifics, just basics dammit, but at least it was vivid.

I need a long break from vivid dreams.

I also need a break from any kind of lifting or work with my left arm, I think I ripped my, poor, little fragile, biscep off yesterday. It hurts like hell today and has a bit of swelling.


My dad doesn't look like it started out to great does it?

But it did... cause after all this I was getting dressed and when I did my usual turn in the mirror (not like a dancing turn you pervs, I'm weird, but not dancing nekkid in the mirrors weird... thats just creepy) to look for anything new or strange and give myself my daily heavy sigh at I look at my so no flat and sexy tummy, fat hips, thunder thighs, and Bertha butt, I noticed something...

My fat rolls are almost completely gone!

I've only had two and there were the most digusting thing I'd ever seen in my life. It was even worse when i realized when I sweat, they collected it.


Anyway, they were on my back, I kind hid the upper ones with my bra strap and the lower ones by wearing baggy shirts.

I know I've lost some weight, partly because when I lose weight, the bulk that's left seems to migrate down to my stomach, hips and thighs, so I actually feel worse because I see them getting bigger and don't get whats going on...

My mom's mentioned a difference, and in the last week or so I noticed that my waist is more defined.

But this... this does it. This is the ultimate sign.

I so very badly want my tredmill.

But I have a feeling its going to be a fight.

I'll bet with a tredmill I could be almost.. skinny.

harlemrain at 5:17 pm

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