Wednesday, Apr. 14, 2004

Happiness is finding out what the buttons on your record player do...

Today was a fair day.

I was actually on time for school..teacher never showed up, but I was on time...none of my homework was done cause I didn't feel like doing an assignment he assigned before turning on a movie and just leaving...but dammit I. Was. On. Time. Boo. Ya.

I also discovered that I have a little over amonth left in that piss hole and then I'm free..presummably forever... depends on the events this summer.

The awesome and amazing Bubba saved my ass from having to redo 6 hours of homework and a possible fist fight with my Lifetimes and teachings of Christ teacher...

You rock my socks Bub.

I made awesome spaghetti for dinner.

I didn't eat the sauce...I just cook it, don't like it...but I boil a mean noodle.

I went to a busy and unfamiliar gas station to get gas... nearly wet myself in the process when I saw the gas prices...geez wiz is there diamonds in that chit??

To conclude my pleasently uneventful day, I discovered that my record player also plays 45s... which is awesome cause I have a butt load of them and my adapter for the record player the movers broke (bastages) got lost in the move...

It really is nice not to have anything happen.

harlemrain at 2:19 am

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