Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004

Well drive our Eldorado to the mooon

I feel like I'm wasting my summer.

For some reason I'm feeling like this could be my last "free" summer.

I think part of this feeling comes from the million times I've been asked "So what are you doing this summer? Working?"

"No, just taking it easy"


That's starting to chap my ass. Especially since 999,995 of those million have come from the same three fucking people.

It's really fantasitic when they ask that and then try to save the conversastion with my new favorite question "When are you moving to Ohio?"

Could I have a little more lemon salt for this wound please?

I'm starting to fear we're not moving.

Which not only means I have to suck it up and finish scholling at the community college from hell and pray I don't get shot at the campus of Foreign students R Us...

And further more face the fact that my shooting for the stars won't get me but half an inch off the ground and a landing face first in cow manuer...

I'm not the first though I suppose...


It's time once again to play "Let's be a responsible adult!"

We come back to the game in a simular situation as last round.

My living area is disgusting and rather than doing something about it before it got this bad I've been sleeping all day and spending my evenings though earling mornings in front of this machine.

So here's the deal self.

We're gonna not only clean the floors of our rooms, we're gonna clean right. That means not carefully placed stacks, no stuffing just to get shite outta sight, and NO "Oh I might need this absoutely usless piece of paper later" crap.

We're also gonna clean out that damn closet.

We're fat, face it, so that drawer of "Someday this'll fit again" stuff needs to go.

So does anything else that doesn't fit or isn't worn.

Think about it self, we're moving this year whether we go to Ohio or not, do we really wanna have to move all this shite again? Do you remember how miserable you were two years ago?

Thought so.

It's for the best, trust me.

You know what else... I'll bet we'll feel better after all that too.

Less stuff... less baggage.

Now the big thing is gettin my fat ass in gear to get it done.

This is at least 3 to 4 days work... hmmm maybe more tupperware tubs...


So anyone know how to delete a file downloaded into your windows system files that refuses to be deleted because it's always running?

I'd like to shoot who ever decided it was a good idea to download shit into other people's computers without their permission.


harlemrain at 10:26 pm

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