Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004

I claim this basement in the name of La-stralia!

I decided to go to bed like three hours ago.

I was so almost there, I even had the computer shut down, then I remembered I forgot to check this one e-mail or some shite and three hours later here I be.

Just ol dumbass me.

Of course you know this blows the routine I had for a whole day last week of going to the gym before school.

Actually I take that back, I believe I can still do it, problem is I believe a little strongerly that I like to sleep until the very last minute I have to get up for school.

Maybe when fall sets in, people start loosing their ambition in the fall and winter so the gyms not as packed.

My public phobia is still strongest at the gym. Even though it never fails that I end up on the fat ass row of the treadmills, I still feel like I'm being watched.

I've been campaigning for a year to get a family treadmill set up down here in La-stralia (I just dubbed the basement that, clever aye?), I get a little closer as time goes on and Captain Poopy Pants' doctor gets nastier about his weight gain, but alas closer is all I have.

I'd prolly walk like everyday if I had one...

Common on mom all the other cool kids have em!

In other news for the like one or two of you who might care (Hi Amanda! :D) my little band fiction diary type thing has been updated and may soon be moved to my little fangirlish journal thing on Livejournal.

The free stuff there is better than the free stuff here and this diary is the only one I really feel like paying for so yeah over there for pretty icons and stuff...

I need a Jovi fix. They have a box set due out later this year and I've heard rumor of a new album sometime early next year, but I'm getting impatient.

I really really really would like to see a new Richie solo album.

That'd rock my ever lovin socks off.

Heck one from Jon would be ok too, I dig most of Destination Anywhere and actually was really happy when I heard it becaise it proved my belief that Bon Jovi is on of the few bands (I know of at least) where the lead singer doesn't make the whole sound up.

You can hear hints of Jovi in it, but you can hear other hints of it in Richie's stuff.

I dunno about David Bryan's solo stuff since I've never gotten my hands on any of it... maybe some time whle I'm on Amazon or something I'll remember...

Duran's album is finally going to be out in October.

As usual they've had us waiting for over two stinkin years for this.

You guys better stay together longer than a minute or I swear I'll wait till November to buy it... I'm so serious this time too!

Anyone seen the propsed album cover? Very pretty, almost Andy Warhol-like.

Nick's still so perdeh. *sigh*

John could be if he'd get a new hair stylist.

I suppose I should glance over my reading due for class today and see about getting my butt to bed.

I'm supposed to stop by daddy dearests tomorrow after school because I didn't even think about that fact that all the good shows start tomorrow night.

My brilliance never ceases to escape me.

harlemrain at 4:11 am

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