Friday, Jan. 16, 2004

Another 5

1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?

umm.... nothing at the moment, but it did say "Life is like eating jalapenos, you never know when its going to come back and burn you in the ass..."

2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?

Didn't have them at my school, if we did mine would probably have been a lyric I pondered over for hours or "Embrace your dorkyness"

3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?

I want one that says "Iggy" cause thats my car's name.

4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?

Just a Bible with my name on it.

5. What would you like your epitaph to be?

"I told you I was sick"

I hope you feel better soon regz .

harlemrain at 2:07 pm

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