Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003

Size isn't Everything

I finally had to go back to school today. Ptffffff, I was hoping it would snow again...they say we have a good chance of it tonight...I really hope it does, I don't wanna go to Composition tomorrow. Evil English Nazi.

Got to watch a high pornographoc Tantra video today after my test in Human was kinda interesting in small sections, but mainly boring and the people weren't all that hot to watch...the things I do for extra credit...

I watched Original Sin for the first time last night, it's a pretty good movie, but there's not nearly enough Thomas Jane in it. That and he gets killed, which sucks. Why do they always kill the hot guy? Can't the villian win if he's a freakin babe? Where's the cosmic justice here? Let the hot guy win!!!!

Angelena Jolie scares me. Those lips are out of control. I'm also not so sure she acts all the much, every movie I've seen her in has her "acting" basically the same, some type of out cast with an attitude and some type of strong sexual nature. Lets make her a nun, that would be acting. Make her Maria in the sound of music...something outside of her usual roles. Yeah we get, she has big breasts, good for her, now put a shirt on and do some acting. Being in love with Billy Bob, now THAT was so great acting, anyone who can kiss him, let alone suck face with him, and not throw up or go into convultions is amazing.

harlemrain at 2:28 pm

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