Monday, Feb. 24, 2003

Snow Day

So today was a snow day. We have like 10 inches on the ground which is like almost a record breaker from some blizzard in the late 70's or somewhere around then.

I was all excited about it last night until mom said she AND captain poopy pants might stay home today...

I would have gotten a kick outta spendin the day with my mom, heck she's someone I'd get up before noon for, but that idea of all three of us being cooped up gives me an annoyed aura just thinkin about it...

I slept most of the day, so I avoided personal contact and when I finally went up this afternoon to say hello, things seemed ok.

No he's not talkin to me much, but I'm not exactly chattin him up either.

Mom told me she was gonna make dinner around five, but around 4 he starts questioning why she hasn't started cooking, then makes some rude joke about her being forgettful and a bad wife. I'm glad he amuses himself, since the rest of us are so fucking stupid.

When I head up to see what wonderful aromas I was smelling down here in my dark corner of existance, I find mom with her pissed/hurt look.

I don't get why he can't take one day...just on fucking to be nice to her. I dont give a fuck how he treats me, but just fuckin be civil to your wife you stupid ass munch.

Dad bought a house and he's already started plotting out how he's gonna finish my room there, so by the summer I outta have a finsihed bedroom waiting for me, but I'm not sure what I wanna do.

Well I know what I want, I want to live with my mom who would teach me the ropes and know hows about being an adult if she wasn't babysitting her husband all the time.

The only things I'm not so excited about with living with dad are obviously the kids. I don't like kids, I really don't like kids who don't understand what no means, and I'm not so sure I'm gonna like kids who are supposed to be "young siblings" to me all of a sudden.

I also don't want to move me or Bazy again until I know its going to a permanent place of residence. Neither of us do well when moved and I really don't want to subjected to all the crap the two cats they have are, shes mine damn it.

Plus dads "remodeling" a shed to stick their two cats in, Bazy ain't livin in a freakin shed, she's too delicate and too nerotic to handle that crap. I don't like the fact that he's doing it to Taylor, but at least Taylor's an outdoor cat who likes outside more than inside.

I dunno, I may just do a back and forth thing. I'm sure I'll be more comfortable at dad's once I feel like I'm in his house and not Kim's ex-husbands house on a frickin fold out while her psycho best friend/ex-boyfriend calles drunk at 2 am just to say hi.

I think my main thing is thatI really just don't want to move again, I hate moving. I hate boxes and I hate having to find a place for everything again.

On a happier note, the Grammys finally gave the Bee Gees and Maurice the respect and tribute they deserve. Nsync did a beautiful medley, acapella, and actually made me cry. It was much better than I expected it to be. Barry and Robin excepted the Legends award, I was shocked at how gray Barry's hair has gotten and Robin's smile wasn't as bright. My heart goes out to them. Barry introduced Maurice's family. Yvonne looked lovely and bless her heart cried as Adam went up to accept the award which Barry said they were giving to Maurice. It was such a wonderfully touching moment. I'm glad I remembered to tape it.

Now if only everyone else in the music media industry would get a clue.

harlemrain at 5:56 pm

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