Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004

Mommy wow! I'm a big people now!

My mom's only been gone about 12 hours and I'm already lonely.

I didn't get much done today, but I didn't plan to so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Mom told me good bye around 9:30 this morning and while thinking about whether or no I should get up I realized that this is the first time ever in my life that I will be home alone for more than 12 hours.

Then I had to get up because my nerves turned my tummy into a nice bunch of knots and so I spent a few hours sleeping in the bathroom.


All in all I still see a mjor improvement in my over all position.

Yesterday, had the lady in the book store handed me the mere 40 bucks I got back for my 250$ in books, I probably would have gone postal, but today I just made a quiet comment about feeling seriously ripped off and left with my cash.

I feel so much lighter and happier now that I know I'm seriously, truelly, finally, completely finsihed with this stupid community college.

I'm also half way through college, which for some reason seemed impossible for me.

But I am, a few more hours of classes and I'll be a bonified Junior.


I'm also feeling better about moving. Ever since the first visit to Ohio about a month ago, I'd been really nervous about the move.

The area looks a lot like here, but at the same time it also looks big and scary and is really really REALLY far away from the things I know and am starting to be really comfortable with.

I also started missing my family, even though I haven't even really started packing yet. But figure that yes I will miss them and I may have some blues over it, but the move is for the greater good.

Tomorrow I'm going to run a whole list of errands that includes a trip downtown during lunch hour and I'm going to do some long needed cleaning up stairs and possibly start packing up my records.

Would you look at me, being all big people like.

I'd say this calls for some celebration and a juice box.

harlemrain at 10:50 pm

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