Friday, Dec. 17, 2004

The dog makes me sad

I'm beginning to wonder if I'll make it through tonight, let alone the weekend.

I feel like the lonelyest little adult there ever was and I'm not quite sure why.

Part of it may be that everytime I've ventured upstairs I find Loopy laying sullenly on momma's pajama's and recieve this look that says she's certain that we've been abandoned and our world is ending.

After going through this four times, I'm beginning to wonder if the little dog is right.

I suppose I should try to sleep as I've a fairly full day ahead of me and behind tired could throw a wrench in my responsible adultness.

Mom, if you're reading this, you have two daughters who miss you... the other one probably will about this time tomorrow.

Call us often :(

harlemrain at 2:29 am

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