Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003

Grandma and Grandpas Southern Baptist Church

The Cher review's gonna have ta wait till I get home, I don't think ganny's computer could handel too much stimulation and plus I dunno if it would allow me to talk like I normally do, seeing how it's my grandma's and all.

I'm here till Wednesday, I figure thats enough time to make up for throwin up everywhere at Christmas and see my grandpa when I can actually do stuff with me besides complain about how damn cold it is.

I don't really have too mucht o rant about this weekend...feels kinda strange not to be pixed off.... almost unnatural....creepy...

Went to church at the crack of dawn today, my grandparents don't like " new type of hippie, weird music playin" service offered at 11, but its funny to ask grandpa about it and hear him go an on about it while grandma makes her trad mark faces. I think I know where my ranting genes came from.

The one thing I like about the early service is that its short and sweet, you sing two songs, old people shake my hand and pat my back making comments about how much I've grown and how cute I used to be when I was little, we sing another song, Pastor what's his face rants and raves, we pray, sing one more song and were done. It's all like clock work.

If only I could pay attention...I really try to, but after a while, I start fallin asleep, so I occupied myself with finding the differences in my grandparents' bibles... it's kinda sad how bastardized every new translation makes the bible.

I went to sunday school with my granbdparents cause most of the kids I remember from my older classes are still there and still look as evil as they were then, so I figured a room full of old people would be better.

It wasn't too bad, they're funny to watch. Especially when they don't agree with someone else's interpretation of what a certain verse means, I thought these two old ladies were gonna throw down their canes and go at it.

I dunno how many more entires I'm gonna get in before wednesday since the net here ties up the phone line and god forbid Aunt Dubbie couldn't reach them from her house two miles up the road...but thats another story in itself...

I'ma gonna go get some cookies.....mmmmmmmmmmm coooooooookieeeeeesssss.....

harlemrain at 4:17 pm

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