Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003

"Follow This You Bitches!" CHER!!!!!


There aren't words for the state of euphoria I'm in right now.

I saw Cher in person!!! I saw her dance, sing, and she called all the new popstars bitches.

I cried several times, laughed, and nearly pissed my pants.

*sigh* That was great.

I need to get to bed cause I have to get up early and I still have stufss to do before I got to my grandparents for most of next week...but here's the set list (what I remember anyway, some of dis may get out of order..)

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

Song for the lonely

Different Kind of Love Song

*Another Newer Song*

I Found Someone

Take Me Home

Bang Bang

Meadly: All I Really Wanna Do, Half Breed, Gypies Tramps and Theives, Dark Lady

*Some seventies song* ( I couldn't understand the words)

After All

It's in his Kiss


If I could Turn Back Time

Encore: Believe

Ok, gotta go burn off this energy and pack.

Yay!! I saw Cher!!!!!!

harlemrain at 12:28 am

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