Wednesday, Jul. 28, 2004

Cledus' last night

What a week... crazy ass week.

As I demonstrated in my first entry yesterday, PMS on the NuvaRing is a tid bit stronger.

I've had three or four occurances this week where I was sure I was gonna split out of my skin go nuts and kill Ernie... and for once he wasn't doing anything to really provoke me.

I think part of it was a) again my habit of forgetting my pill and thus not maintaining my hormone levels well is yet again coming back to bite me in the ass and I also think that b) my body's annoyed that it's had to fend off two serious headaches and a backache within the last 5 days on its own because I can't take aspirin or IB profin until after my surgery. I'm sure my new stress has helped a bunch too.

Hopfully things will be a whole lot better tomorrow since the surgery is sometime after 7:45 and after that my mom's gonna take my possibly doped up ass to school and helo me enroll and pay.

I'm actually doing pretty good on managing my pre-surgery freak out.

I avoided thinking about it until today when I got my phone call confirming everything and it wasn't until a few hours ago that I got the jitters and started worrying.

My biggest stress with school is what to do if the classes I want have filled up within the last few days, truth is its kinda unlikely with the ones I'm taking but I seem to be just lucky enough that that kinda crap would happen to me.

I'm also hoping books are for sale now, but I doubt it...

I told my dad about my lacking 12 hours and he didn't seem to care too much, but he sounded less than thrilled when I told him I wouldn't be using his insurance anymore aka that last reins of control he had over me and partly my mom are gone. I am independant from daddy.

On this note I think I'll go find something to occupy myself.

Dunno when I'll be back on the computer and if its not this weekend then it'll be after another week at the grandfolks so hope everyone's well.

Later taters

harlemrain at 10:59 pm

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