Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004

"I Got an STD from my College Lit Book" on the next Oprah

I'm in limbo. My whole ife is like one big caught up in limbos.... thing.

I did go to the gym Monday after the dentist. I walked my butt off for like 45 minutes and decided when I started seeing doubles that I was maybe on the edge of over doing it. I was emotionaly and mentally scared in the locker rooms because apparently when some people get old they think its ok to let it all hang out and I really mean all hang out.

I understand that some people like to shower and change clothes and they may require brief pg-13 nudity.

That is so not what this was.

This was two old ladies standing their with only air between them chatting it up and having a nekkidly great time.

I was so happy I didn't eat breakfast that morning.

Ya know when people go to the gym, they wanna see that it had positibve, lasting results... seeing what I saw was in no way positive to me.

I understand it could be seen as great because they were that comfortable with themselves, but the fact is I don't give a flying fook. A locker room is a semi public place where vaginas of any age should be covered and put away.

I then went to school where my history teacher lectured us for two hours over a chaoter that he flat out told us doesn't really matter because he can't test us on it because really it belongs in the history I class and this is history II.

I came home and felt like I could die from exhaustion.

I haven't felt right all week. I haven't wanted to eat at all and when I do eat I fell sick, I'm beyond tired, and I'm beyond irritable. I can't even stand Bazy touching me right now.

I'm hoping it's just getting used to the new routine and hormones, but I'm not sure.

I've never had a funk like this before so I'm not sure what's going on or what to do about it, which of course frustrates me and makes me even more fun to be around.

On a positive note I'm becoming more mobile and less worried about trying to find places.

I doubt I'll be heading to the East side of town or road tripping to Miami anytime soon, but I can get around where I live fairly easily now.

Oh, I also got my first middle finger flashed (that I've caught anyway) at me yesterday because so moron thought it was a good idea to drive in my blind spot (which you really have to work at in my little car with huge ass windows) and ignored my blinker saying I was coming over. He honked and flipped me off, I slowed down to ten under the speed limit.

Don't fuck with the little girl in the pink car.

I really want to go see a movie I havent had a real urge to do that for a while. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.

I'm going to go try something new this semester and actually read the etxt books my teachers make us buy.

I have done some reading before, in high school I was almost religious about it and now I hate text books so much my body's automatic responce is to shut down.

I have drooled on many a text book in college. But it's not like the I'm the first, hell I'm probably nott o the first to drool on my books... oh GROSS, I'd never really thought about that before... all the diseases and cooties...snot and..UGH!!!

Ok new plan, I'm going to burn my books and take the ashes back to the book store and demand a refund because they sold me books with cooties. I should also sue the school..and while I'm atit I'm going after the Gym because of the scarring I got in their locker room, they need to make them more private

Wow in two minutes of typing I suddenly gave my life a purpose and made myself all American.

I shall sue!

harlemrain at 10:37 pm

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