Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003

I hate school

Yeah so I got screwed today.

I bent over and grabbed my ankels in a major way.

The school's stupid and cancelled a class I really wanted and because of the screwed up way they do things I was left with 11 hours and I need 12.


So I toodle on down to the southside, sit in the hot front entrance of the school for an hour while some smelly construction worker look woman continously tries to strike up conversation with me and leers down at my breasts.

No I'm not being a turd thinking she was gay cause she was a construction worker, chick was lookin at my rack, I caught her twice. She also said my eyes were pretty.

No thanks sweetheart, I prefer meat, thanks for applying tho.

I finally get back to an advisor and find out the other classes I was thinking about have either be cancelled or are only avaliable at night or in Ark City.

Bastages. This is a conspiracy I swear.

I finally give in and agree to take speech.


I not only have speech I have it at 8:30 in the farkin morning...on Mondays.

Farkin Iceholes.

Ruined my perfect schedule.

Kiss muh grits.

harlemrain at 5:22 pm

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