Tuesday, Jul. 13, 2004

Going under the knife

You wanna know just how lazy I can be?

I don't update this thing with some fairly major events sometimes because I don't want to sit here and stare at the computer long enough to push the keys and make the entries.

Actually that could be more A.D.D than lazyness because I get side tracked with something else and don't care about the entry anymore.

I do care about my diary and wanna keep a log at least for myself of stuff that's going on I just have trouble sometimes getting myself to write down everything I think I outta.

So in spirit of that, no weekend update.

Last week was fine, I hung out with Grandpa, saw just how far outsideof our family my dad's new family is, had funw ith my little cousins, and made plans to go back the week after my birthday if all goes well.

What needs to go well is the hand operation I need to have on the 29th of this month.

I don't have a Ganglion cyst I have a something else that had to do with the tunnel around the nerves and stuff that run through my hand and a hole formed somehow and allowed fluid in to build up and create Cledus.

It won't go away on it's own so people generally live with em or get em cut out. I don't feel I have much choice other than the later. Sooo under the knife I go.

Actually I prefer this option. I was told originally that I would prolly get a shot of steriods or surgery.

Well dunno about you by the idea of a large needle being plunged into the joint and muscle of my hand makes me wanna blow chow. Just not something I care to experience.

True I try to dodge any situation which may end in surgey for me, but I think my mian issues with surgery go with situations hwere I'll feel pain in my head or stomach and that I'll have to be heavily medicated to cope.

This is an out patient procedure and supposedly in two weeks I outta be good as new, so in theory this sounds ok with me.

I don't doubt it'll hurt like a beeotch, they're gonna cut open my hand and by a joint no less, but now I know that I'm not crazy and I'm not being a complete pussy and most importantly I can be fixed.

Ok, I'll be honest, the idea of being able to get a little extra attention cause of my boo boo is appealing.

My mom's taking off two days to stay with me and for two weeks I'll only have the use of one hand so if people want me somewhere they gotta shuttle me around and I'll need help doin stuff.

I guess that instinct doesn't ever go away huh?

I've watched Captain Poopy Pants with his toes, he doesn't last too long before he goes nuts from not being able to do much, but that first day or so, he loves the attention. Of course he tires to demand that kinda attention on a normal basis, he just gets away with it at the moment.

This little bit of stuff has taken me two hours to get down.

That really is kinda sad.

Of course 40 of that was listening to Melissa on the phone.

Apparenlty Arizona wasn't the plush land of opportunity she thought it would be. Everyting's free in A-mer-rica but not in Arizona. Go figure.

She also thinks she has all the same stomach problems I do. Hers are a little worse though of course. I dunno if I could survive if the world owed me as much and she claims it owes her.

I care for her dearly, but some of the paths she's taken in life baffel me.

That's a whole novel unto it's self though.

My finger hurts and I'm tired of staring at this screen.

So until next time Mousekateers, have a day.

harlemrain at 3:35 pm

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