Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004

I have news you may want to sit down for...

I'm pregnant.






















No I'm not, my body just thinks so.

I've had the Nuvaring in use for about a week now and apparently it takes the making ones body think it's pregnant to sick extremes and thus you get The Lauren with Morning sicknrss, swelling breasts, dizzyness, retaining water and just generally not being a so happy girl.

I'm not moody...yet...but this isn't much fun.

My skin feels like it's about ti slip open and fly off my body, my mom made a comment tonight that my ankles and chest all look plumper than normal, and I had a dizzy spell that borderlined a psychotic breakdown.

I'm givin this one it's full three weeks before I make my final decision, but wooooo this is not fun.

Today makes the offical two weeks mark for my hand surgey and I'm already going out of my mind waiting.

I want it out nooow. It hurts nooow.

Oh oh oh oh!

I'm a real bonafied person!

I have credit! Yes folks it's true, someone was crazy enough to give me a credit card.

It's perdy too, it's one of those snazzy ones you can pick the design of. Gonna take it for a test spend tomorrow at Borders.

I won't get to crazy with it, I promised me mum that when I applied for it, that and I don't like the idea of being 20 and having tax collectors after me because I bought too many movie magazines and cds.

Yes sir-ree I'm on my way to be a true to life real person.

Now if you'll excuse me Spongebob Squarepants is on.

harlemrain at 10:06 pm

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