Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003

definantly better...definantly, definantly...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! My week's over!!!!

I still feel kinda like poo today, maybe I'm finally gettin sick.

Not real sure how the Religion test came out, I don't think I did too bad, but I doubt I got an A.

What really rocks my socks is that I don't have any pressing homework to get done this weekend. Yay fer me!

I definantly like this layout better...definantly, definanly better, definantly...

Ernie's comin home says he's gets more "lovey" towards her when he's been gone a while, I just hope he stays that way for a while.

Anyhoosit, I gots a creative bug, so I'm gonna use it while I can.

harlemrain at 1:40 pm

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