Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003

I slept all day today doodah doodah slept cause I am a big retard oh dah doodah day

I'm listening to "Careless Whispers" by WHAM! and god help me I like it.

Its nasty outside, thats about all that makes me not feel bad about sleeping all damn day.

That and I'm blaming my dad for upsetting me. So it was either eat or sleep. Being that I'm supposed to be slimming down for him to be his best man, I slept all day.

He was supposed to call me to have lunch. The lunch thing doesn't upset me as much as the plain not callin. He's called me before to say "Hey, my job's more important, we'll lunch some other time."

Yeah I was upset, but not this upset.

Anyhoo, I'm tryin this thinking more positive thing. I keep gettin side tracked tho. Life does that to me sometimes.

Hehehehehehe there's a movie on VH1 right now that has Justine Bateman leading an all girl rock band. Liam Nelson's tied into it too. Thats funny.

Too bad I slept though most of it, it was probably worth a laugh or two.

I've only gots like a week left of that Music Appreation class, which means I'm also half done with everything else. Then I gets summer break, YAY FOR SUMMER BREAK!!!

While I get more joy sleeping in during the winter break, summer break has better television to watch and the days are longer, plus its not so damn cold. Oh and there's the whole born in summer thing...but that kinda bites me in the ass at the same time. My parents insisted on getting drunk in late November, so I was born in late summer, now while I get excited about National Lauren day, when it finally gets here, I realize I've pissed away most of my summer in anticipation and groveling for something(s) I really want.

But I'm not complaining...is this positive venting-ranting....or something....

Hey, will someone please take my surveys?? I need somethin to read. Spanks.

harlemrain at 5:22 pm

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