Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003


Well, I'm still all outta whack, in fact I'm starting to think it's getting worse.

My periods all funky, my body feels out of balance, I'm not sleeping, I'm exhausted, I'm bitchy, and I just don't feel right.

I have a family thing for Easter, this should be fun.

I like Easter, it's a nice day, I appreciate it significance, and now that I'm 18, I'm tired of egg hunts and baskets.

I've told my family this and yet I still recieve a basket full of crap I don't want or need and I'm expected to help my cousins on their egg hunt.

Maybe it'll rain and storm again tomorrow and we'll have to cancel the hunt. Wait...that means I'd be stuck in side with my "sisters", dad, Kim, and Grandma and Grandpa Bradford, maybe Kim's ever so intelligent mom as well.

God, I have a migraine already.

Actually, rain would be least inside the neightbors won't see me, my family already thinks I'm permently 9 years old mentally, which is obviously why they expect me to hunt for the damn eggs in the first place.

There's not even anything good in 'em. Grandma puts the nasty candy in the eggs, and gies us a tiny ration of the good candy in our baskets.

Basically only enough to get us hooked and wanting more so she can tell us "not today..."

I wonder how Easter became so commerical?

Did you know its the second highest profit day of the year for the candy industry?

Last year, I got a chocolate cross in my easter basket...I shit you not...

I couldn't eat it, it seemed to morbid to me. It was like getting a marshmellow filled Jesus head or something...

What was even better was she tucked in my my basket next to the chick Pez despencer.

So I can rip a chick's head off for candy and munch on the holy cross all at the same time.

Talk about your Easter fun.

I'm almost scared to find out what I'll get this year.

Maybe she listened to me when I told her I liked sour skittles and just got me a bag of that'd be to easy huh?

Well, off to bed, don't wanna fall asleep tomorrow and miss all the Easter fun.

harlemrain at 1:26 am

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