Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003

Fun with E Coli

Let's see how well this works on granny's machine.

You wanna know how to freak the hell outta yourself?

Have about a pint or so of blood in your stools.

I guarentee you'll prolly shit (again) yourself.

Yeah so obviously I saw the blood (not a trace, there's was a lot, especially for coming outta my emergency exit)

So I panic and hurry out ot my car ot get my cell phone and call my mom.

She tells me to wait to completely flip out and see if I gain any other symptoms.

So an hour later I lay curled up in fetal positon with sharp pains in my back and abdomin, gas that could suffocate an elephant and a fever.

"I'm gonna die. Please God don't let me die. I barely ate dinner, how could I get sick. Is this from the water? Oh God I don't wanna die! *sobs* I want my momma..."

I never went to a doctor or the hospital because I was waiting for another movement to see if I found more blood.

I've spent all day today sounding like the rocketeer and lsitening to my stomach burble and let me know that as punishment for eating E Coli infested food it has now decided to digest itself to prevent me from filling it any further with harmful food.


And it's only Tuesday!!!!

harlemrain at 11:11 pm

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