Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004

Election Day

I was a good little American and participated in my first election as an adult.

I'm not huge on politics, but I had a handful of things I wanted my vote in on.

My mom got me out of bed around 6:30 this morning so I could go with her incase I got lost or confused. That and I worried about being too lazy or weary of all the people to go on my own.

I'm not saying who I voted for for president because I don't care to have political discussions anywhere aroud my diary. I'm highly aware this is a loaded election and as I sit here now they're fighting over Ohio and Tom Brokaw thinks its "envitable that Bush will have a second term".

Along with the president, I also wanted a say in our congressmen and senators, and the Sheriff.

I hopes for a new congressman and state rep went down in flames, but thank god the people of out country has brains enough to stay with our current Sheriff and not that 'tard from the jail.

Rather than doing the homework I should be doing, I've been flipping between election coverage and "Desperatley Seeking Susan". I suppose I'll drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning and get it done.

I'm hopeing for a fairly easy class, I'm not really in gear to do high matiance work this week. I feel rather blah. I've gievn up on the late book report in Cognitive Psych. I've have enough extra credit to covere for it and I have one of the few A's, so 'l take that as a learning experience and move on to stress about other things.

My clothing closet is still rather wreck-ish. I did a little bit with it yesterday but lost my desire to do much with it. Maybe this weekend.

It makes me kinda sad to go in there, I just got it all pretty and clean and now the floors covered in clothes *sigh*.

I'm so close, I refuse to give up and poop out now.

That and I really don't have a choice. My parents are apparently not only wanting to move in January, but in early early January. Like the first week or so.


I'm going. I am. But shite! Nothing like a little rushing to make a girl bug the fuck out, aye?

I was going on the plan of trying to forget it for a while and get school taken care of and out of the way, but knowing that in a matter of two months I'll most likely be all packed up, it's kinda hard to push it out of my mind.

I'm getting a headache, so I suppose this would be a good time to head for bed.

Shouldn't be asking wild and scheming
Could be my election day...

harlemrain at 12:49 am

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