Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

Hallo... you're a weener

I just watched a guy on Vh1 who wanted (and got) the name "Curly" tattooed on his penis as a tribute to his favorite member *snort* of the Three Stooges.

Happy Halloween.

My Halloween wasn't too fantastic.

First I slept in way too late and missed the few hours I would have my mom to myself. Then I had an abrupt awakening that brought me to pathetic four-year old like tears.

While watching a movie with the family, I somehow pissed Ernie off. I guess he told my mom that I was "rude", but honestly I don't get what I did.

It upset me at first, I cried (again),and then tried to ignore it because I hate being a downer with mom.

I kinda forgot about whie handing out candy since Loopy was funny to watch going nuts at the sight of little people in strange costumes ringing her doorbell.

She was especially upset when she realized I was giving out candy.

After that she was hilarious because she ran in cirlces while shout barking as if to say "GET THE HELL OFF MY PORCH!!! NOOOOOOO DON'T GIVE OUT THE CANDY!! THAT'S OUR CANDY!!!!!!"

Lots of fun having her around.

Later in the shower I thought more about the situation with Captain Fussy Pants and I became seriously pissed off.

I didn't want to get out like that and risk staying that way, so I shaved my legs (yeah, thats my logic, I do my angry thinking with a razor blade next to the major veins in my legs) and thought about it some more.

I worked myself down to an annoyed, ticked off state.

I can understand that he's stressed and worried about lots of things right now, but I don't appreciate being given the cold shoulder because he wants to throw a hissy fit everytime I dont laugh at one of his little jokes.

It's stupid and immature when my mom and I act like we're 13 and make fart jokes or talk like Bevis and butthead while watching cartoons, but it's supposed to be just so fucking hilarious when he acts like a 7 year old boy when people are trying to watch a movie (it was Vin Diesel for fucks sake...VIN DIESEL!!!)

I'm banking on him getting the hell over this by tomorrow, otherwise I may have to snap and call him out on his bullshit. I don't have the tome or strength to go ino and Ernie enduced depression.

I am so damn close to for once actually being living in a clean area that I can keep up and not be ashamed to show people while also being caught up in my school work.

I am truely sorry I offended him and his feelings were hurt, but it's all but impossib;e for me to apologize to him anymore because when I do I'm either completely ignored or I'm lashed out at again with comments like "You just can't do that anymore, its not funny to me" or "It's obvious you hate me."

I'm not walking into this one. Not playing this time dude, you're on your own.

I'm not going to be mean or snide. No going out of my way to avoid him or show him I'm so not talking ot him.

None of that. I have a closet to sort and homework to do.

Maybe this is avoiding the issue, but I look at it as avoiding more unnecessary confrontation. If I were to go to him and tell him that this anger is most likely some other issue he's repressing in his twistedm pretzle like psyche, he'd mostly likely throw another fit and (if he hasn't already) start attacking my mom about her parenting skills.

You can't have an adult conversation with someone who wants to act like a 6 year old, it's like expecting live singing from the Simpson sisters (come on, I had to!).

I don't understand why these periods of fits and misplaced anger have to be apart of our family's regular cycle. Why can't we just get along, we've agreed we all love, respect, and usually even like each other.

This is one of those things that nags at me from my "Cons of going to Ohio" list.


I will say this, it's nice to be able to write on of these "fights with the captain" entries and not end it in tears or with explosive bowl movements. Yeah I'm still a little miffed, but really, for once, venting seems ot be enough to let the majority of it go.

So take that Captain Poopy Pants. Neener. Neener.


harlemrain at 1:05 am

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