Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005

My sorid affair with Target continues

Target is an evil evil bitch. Oh how he tries to lead me into temptation...

I found three amazing t-shirts today. I originally found one and decided that if I bought it, I would resolve to get rid of at least three other items of clothing in my closet.

I then found two other shirts that were amazing and fantastic and very pretty and was forced to make a decision between them all.

You know Target, I love you, so very much, but I don't have to like you right now.

Lauren needs a job.

Lauren plans to get a job soon.

Lauren's ready to put on her big girl pants and try being an adult... finally.

I really should wait at leats a montha fter I start school me thinks, just so I can get used to the campus, classes, and trauma that goes along with starting school again and adding all this other super sized stuff.

Plato's closet is looking for someone part time. I think I could handle selling nifty, slightly used clothing to the young folk in my area.

I also plan to kinda scope out the area around the school for any "Help Wanted Signs".

It's a college town so they has to be a cycle of jobs that opens up every year or so right?

I'm planning on cutting my hair off this weekend or soon after. Like a drastic cut. 5 or 6 inches. Off my shoulders and out of my way cut.

I think I'd like to dye the bottom again too, not completely sure. I may just work on cuttin it off and go from there.

Travel stories sometime soon, I promise.

harlemrain at 6:00 pm

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