Thursday, Aug. 18, 2005

Move With Me Slowly

So you know how I had this whole "I'm ready to go back to school and learn and be productive and be all up in growing up" thing going on and off for a while there?

Yeah, it's gone now.

It was crushed this evening under the 80 ton realization that I start school in less than a week.

My schedual it a ball breaker this semester too. I have 5 classes, yeah that's 15 hours .


And I have school EVERY DAMN DAY Monday thru Friday.

Sometimes I'll have to drop things and go at night too.

And if I don't pass math this time I can't go any further because it's a freakin REQUIREMENT for my PSYCHOLOGY classes, meaning my MAJOR.

Fantastic isn't it????

Basically I get the feeling I'm going to live on campus.

I'll find a few quiet spots near vending machines or the student commons to rotate to like a educational hobo and come home for the 6 hours commuter parking is closed to sleep.

Getting a job is most likely going to be post poned. My family's just going to have to continue nagging for another 16 weeks or so.

Lauren isn't going to juggle 30+ hours of classes and an esitmated 60 hours of homework a week for a job she could only work in the few hours of down time she'd have.

Sorry folks, not happening. Momma gets it, the Captain claims to get it, and they pay my bills, so they get the bigger portion of the say.

In all honestly, I suppose there is still a part of me thats curious about this whole "experience" still. I sill feel like maybe, just maybe I can carrying this load, get turoring, and get some desent grades.

I seriously need to clean Lastralia. I had intentions to ocme home and unpack before my crashed, but instead I just blew my suitcases up everywhere and threw some more crap around on top of it.

I think I'm loosing Nigel.

He's been acting sick for about a week now.

I thought for a while it was just a case of over feeding, but there sems to be more to it.

I've asked numerous "experts" around the net what they think, but all I seem to get back are confusing answers and exclimations that I should have a 5 gallon tank with a heater, filter, and sun lap, testing supplies, maid, and fishy condo.

Apparently other betta land lords have waaaaaay more monies than I do.

harlemrain at 2:17 am

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