Saturday, Oct. 09, 2004

Friday Feast

Since the Friday Five is gone I figured I'd give Friday's Feast a try.

What are your plans for the upcoming weekend?

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go with my parental units and grandpa to find a new computer for grandpa. I have some homework I should do and I'm still working on my closet room.

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?

Me mum

Name a hobby that you've tried but eventually gave up for some reason.

Wood burning. I quit because I burned my finger prints off in an accident at school and decided playing with hot metal wasn't much fun anymore.

Main Course
What is the most important personality quality in a mate?

Being able to trust/ being trustworthy

Why is the sky blue (be creative with your answer)?

God thought it was a fetching color... or maybe thats the color of his favorite crayon.

harlemrain at 1:21 am

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