Friday, Apr. 16, 2004

Just an FYI

You know, contrary to what you seem to believe, not every fucking conversastion that takes place in this house have to include you.

Actually most of my conversastions DO NOT .

When I'm talking to my mother, I don't want you butting in to start your own conversastion and I really, really don't like it when you butt in to tell her yet another thing she does that annoys you or that you find stupid.

What the fuck is with that anyway???

No one can talk bad about your wife but you?

Not when she's my momma pal!

It'd real fuckin nice if I could talk to my mom for two seconds and not have to worry about you buttin in.

We go into the other room, not because we wanna talk about you Mr. Center of the fucking unvierse, but because we want to talk WITHOUT YOU!!!!

So please next time you have a comment in the middle of one of my conversastions with my mother, feel free to shut the hell up!

Have a day.

harlemrain at 4:18 pm

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