Friday, Mar. 18, 2005

I glue and fanfic for fun

I'm gonna be tired tom-er today.

Mummy's getting me up around 8 for a full day of things that need to be done so we can have a semi-stress free trip to Kansas.

I've spent the past week screwing up my sleeping routine. I'm hoping I can set a new one while in Kansas, but I'm not sure that'll happen.

I've also rediscovered my fanfiction.

I want to finish at least one story in this life time and have decided for one of my Def Leppard fics to be finished. It's meant to turn into a series, but its kind of difficult to have a series when you soend three years to get partly done on the first story.

I think I'll take my handy dandy story notebook on the trip with me and try to work on my ideas a bit.

I posted some of this story on my band fiction diary, but I lost track of it for a while and so it was never fully posted or finished...obviously... yeah...

I need to go to bed, but I also need to finish my grandma's vase. If I don't get it grouted tomorrow early enough for it to dry I won't be able to present her with it in person like I really want to.

I'm hoping I'll be loopy and crazy tomorrow rather than cranky for a change and then will want to sleep tomorrow night like a normal person.

Oh note ot self: e-mail Brynn about summer Leppard concerts.

That would like os completely rock if I could see Leppard again this summer and be with my Leppard buddies.

Especially since this would be around my 21st birthday and we could all have fun and not worry about Lauren getting the group in trouble cause she's not legal yet.

Yay for legalness!

So yeah, I have glass to glue so I can go to bed for a few hours.

Later taters

harlemrain at 4:20 am

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