Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003

A Day

It's nice to have just a day once in a while.

Captian Poo Poo Pants aside, I had a nice day, simply because I had a day.

Mom and I had our usual nail thingy, which to most may make us look vain, but it makes me feel a little more attractive and it's two hours with just me and my mom, no Poo Head.

After that we ran a buncha arrands and the came home so I could wait for Kim to come get me for dinner.

Dinner with the new family actually wasn't that bad.

The girls were a bit high strung, but they ate quickly so they could go outside and play...

It was just me and my dad on the way home tonight and we actually did our old banter.

It's not indepth conversation grant you, but it's stress free and its just me and my daddy.

He's supposed to take me shopping next weekend, just me and him, but Kim keeps trying to weasel her way into going for some reason.

This seriously irks me, but I don't know how to say "Bitch, buck the fuck outta my shoppin trip with my dad" nicely.

I understand wanting to spend time with her new husband and all that stuff, but I was also promised from the start by both f them, that my relationship with my father would not be tampered with.

Her butting into every lunch date, dinner date,a nd now my birthday shopping date is serious tampering.

It's annoying and makes her look clingy and a bit selfish to me.

I may be an "adult" but I still need time to see my dad, you live with him, give me two farkin hours out of a month to see him.

Maybe you coud spend some much needed time with your children.

Am I wrong for wanting this?

Some please explain it to me if I am.

harlemrain at 10:01 pm

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