Monday, Aug. 25, 2003

Frist Day of Sckool

So what'd you do yesterday?

I cleaned out my closet.

No not figurtively, I seriously cleaned out mt closet.

I got ride of like half my clothes.

I had crap in there I don't remember owning.

I need to get ride of more but for some reason I have developed the sick trait of becoming emotionally attached to stupid shite like t-shirts.

Yes everyone is allowed to have two or three things in the back of their closet that they just can't bring themselves to throw out.

A old, ratty pair of jeans you can picture anyone loving as much as you do, a sweater you wore some where you want to remember, shoes that went everywhere with you at one time.

Me, I'm farkin pack rat who has huge RubberMaid tibe full of t-shirts I know I won't wear but I don't want to get ride of.

Yeah, it's stupid, but I dunno what else to do.

I still need to clean in there as there's no real pathway around anymore.

I think I've figured out why epople get their own houses at my age, they need more storage and they get tired of their parents bitching about their stuff not being put away.

It's as put away as it's gonna get right now folks, deal or shut the door.


School started for my today.

This is the only "full" day I have during the week.

I have Speech and American Litature I.

Woo. Yeah. Feel my joy. (-_-)

Actually my teachers are kinda cool.

Speech teacher isn't too stuffy and he seems opened minded and looking forward to seeing what we choose to talk about.

My Lit teacher seems really cool.

Dude walks into the room in a casual button down shirt, khaki shorts, shoes with no socks, and then tied his shoulder length hair back once he reached his desk.

He associates everything with movies too.

I guess I could be a teacher.

Only thing I'm not so sure about it having Heather in my class.

She made two different comments within 15 minutes of each other how "sour" or "what a great bitch" I am.

I'm tell you right now harpie, keep it up and I'll show you beeotch.

I didn't even say anything nasty or bitch like and she started this crap.

No I'm not Mary Sunshine, but I resent people with her nasty disposition telling me I'm a bitch.

You're a bitch.

I'm just crabby and contankerous sometimes.

harlemrain at 2:55 pm

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