Monday, Mar. 10, 2003

I'ma jump this mountain wif a tricycle!!!

"Cause I'm a Chicken Hawk and I eats chickens!"

I said that in the car on the way home and for some reason laughed so hard I nearly veered off the road.

I'm some serious whackedness today peoples.

I got like three hours of sleep last the most.

I guess three makes me slap happy and two leaves me crabby.

Go figure. Its all that one hour.

I woke up mumbling incoherently...which is actually an improvement from the normal cause I usually don't even grunt until 8.

Mom and Missa Ernie left early and somehow with the house empty I managed to leave early myself.

I dunno how that happened, one would think that I'd end up late without mom naggin me...maybe its a vibe thing.

Mom your nag vibes put me behind. *shrug*

I left early but got their later than normal, traffic was shite today. But it didn't bother me, which is freaky cause I get road rage backin out of the drive way.

But today I was laughing meself. I was mad funnies. People were gawking at me cause I was actin so crazy with laughter.

I decided to Nsync it on the way to school today...yeah yeah yeah, make fun, haha I like a dude band, Deal, they makes me happy and besides everyone's entitled to a dirty secret band, they're mine. Anyhoosit, I was poppin along to "Dirty Pop" when this dude in a cheverolet Celebrity cuts me off just before a red light.

Well of course the next song is "Celebrity". Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I changed the chorus around and was singin...

"Would you be so nice to me

if I wasn't in dis Celebrity

If I didn't live on cheese an' beer

would you still wanna be wif me..."

I started laughin so hard I was cryin...

I finally got a hold of myself by the time "The Game is Over" started, but then I started seriously thinkin about the lyrics...

"take it personal, cause I did when you cheated on me...."

Gee, for reals dude? I thought cheating was such an impersonal why to betray a sigificant other, especially in a monogous relationship.


Then I started listening to the love songs.... has anyone else noticed a pattern of JC and Justin singin duets during the love songs?

Does anyone else find this a tib bit disturbing in a boyband?

This is a bit immature but I'm thinkin....

JC and Justin sittin the in tree









Come on, JC could sooooooooooooooo do better than Justin. Get a real man... like.... ummmmmmmmm..... hmmmmmmm...... Lance!!!! Yeah JC and Lance!

Awwwwwwwwww they'd be sooooooooooooooooo suh-weet together.

*dreamy sigh*

Except, Lance seems to have a thing for Joey....hmmmmm.... I'm gonna have to work on this a bit more.....

My music final seems like its gonna be easy peasy, I know basically everything we've talked about and picked up the few things I didn't so I think I"ve got this one in the bag. Yee-ah, feel the musicially goodness.

Ok back to Nsync for another moment or two. JC is the funniest mofo to watch. I was watchin the "Pop Odyssey" video I have.

Ok first off...mechinal bulls??????

The kinkage in itself and begs for jokes, puns, and peeing yourself laughter at their expense. Especially since they continously mentioned it as something they were excited about.

So I'm watchin this, this preformance if you will, and then I notice somethin...JC is like seriously concentrating on this. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Dude is completely focusing on ridin that bull like he's workin on some serious world problem or takin a dump or somethin. It's freakin hilarious, watchin the whole concert is worth it just to see this part!! Dude's a frickin hoot to watch...

Poor JC, yeah he's get a lot of crap, but its only cause I really do love him so much.


So's like woah...hehhehhehhehhehhehheh, sorry.....


I'm gonna like end this madness for now and find somethin to do. I may take a nap, not sure.

Later tater.

harlemrain at 11:51 am

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