Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003

Leeeeeeeeeeeaving on a jet plane....

He's leeeeeeeeeeaving on a jet plane, be three days before he comes home again, leeeeeeeaveing on a jet plane just watch me do my happy dance again.....

Yeah so that's kinda mean, but three days without Captian Poopy that spells relief.

Actually, he's not so bad to live with lately. He's actually being nice to me.

I dunno, maybe he's put a hit out and just feels like he has to be nice to the soon to be deceased to secure a spot in heaven.

Either way he's talkin to me and its not nasty.

I successfully blew my weekend. I didn't touch my laundry, forgot about my homework and didn't even think about vaccuming until I stepped on an old, dried up pea in the kitchen this evening.

I've got all week tho.

That's the procrastinator's spirit.

I probably outta head to bed, last thing I need is to go homicidal this week. I've already got a fairly full plate.

Here's Lauren's list of things to do and look foward to thus far...

Tomorrow I should get my review stuff for my Music Appreation Class.

Some where in between Monday and Tuesday night, I really need to get that internet article thingy for my Human Sexuality class.

Tuesday I have to get up (On my freakin day off!!!) and somewhere in the afternoon, I'm gonna have to go unload groceries for my grandpa. (woo woo)

Wednesday I have a final and then I have to give a brief presentation in Human Sexuality (this should be fun with my phobia on the brink again).

Thursday I'm prolly gonna be in a bit fo trouble because I've forgotten if she assigned any homework because I was too busy FREAKING OUT.....(stupid English Nazi).

And finally friday is.....CHER!!! YAY!!!

I'm sure my dads gonna call some time during the week and want lunch and as usual I'll most likely drop everything and go. If only I had enough spine to go

"No, I dont wanna go to lunch with you or especially Kim. I would rather starve to death with a thousand class mates staring at me and laughing with judgeing me as I stood nekkid and fading away from hunger!!!"

But of course, I"ll probably never work up nerve to say that or anything distantly close to it.

Anyhoosit, I'm gonna go pop a Tylenol (endorsement, mom endorsement!!!) for my sore shoulders and try to sleep.

harlemrain at 10:09 pm

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