Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003

Sick Bastard and my perdicament

I made my daily visit to Uncle Bob's Diary O Chuckles and instead of his daily entry of laughs and mayhem I found this

Ok, now the Lauren just has one question...


What did a cat ever do that people have to do sick ass shit like this??

I tell you right now mister man, you come anywhere near my kitties and I'll have your sadistic ass in a sling so tight your testicals (however small they are) will bulge out your eye balls and explode.

That's a promise.


Now that I've covered the pressing issues I'll go back to the regular news of Laurenland.

Yes my world is my own amusement park... sometimes its so fun you wanna pee your pants with glee, other times you want the ride to stop so you can spew the six hotdogs and cotton candy you ate and cry to your mommy.

Wow, I'm so deep and philosophical like sometimes.

I can't tell if I'm in a funk type thing or not...

Sometimes I think I am and other times I don't.

I mainly feel it when I talk to my friend.

My main problem is I think I annoy her lately but I can't tell for sure and I think because we're friends she won't tell me straight on:

"Gawd bless it Lauren you get on my last frickin nerve just shush yo damn mouth!"

And I don�t think she'd believe me if I told her that she could seriously tell me that and I'd leave her alone until I didn't annoy her so much.

But *sigh* I dunno what to do, or how to ask her, or what.

The funk type thing could explain it, because a funk could be making me just an annoying person to be around...

Or maybe my friend has something going on with her I dont know about... or there's nothing there at all and I'm just being too hyper sensitive...

So now that I've had this great valley girl sounding entry, I'm going to go finding something to do.

harlemrain at 6:45 pm

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