Thursday, Dec. 09, 2004

We'll be lovers lovers loveeeeeers

Something feels amuck within my force fields.

Somethings not in its proper place...

I feel odd.

I also feel like at any moment an alien is gonna burst out of my lower stomach slinging my intestines around like a cat-o-nine tails.

I wish I could place what's wrong.

I have one last paper to write this weekend. One last paper before my freedom until next fall.

Tomorrow I have gift cards to get and then I plan on doing some cleaning and sorting.

Most of Saturday will be spent at the salon because my mom is wonderful and humors me when I tell her I don't wanna drive down town alone when shes out of town next week. (Thanks mom!)

Sunday I imagine my parents will take their day out to do nothing and hopefully I can get something in gear to start my paper.

I may look around briefly tomorrow for something small for Dr. Libby too. How do you say thanks to someone who teaches you how to use your thoughts correctly?

I at least want to find her a card.

Maybe I'll toodle over to Hallmark while I'm out.

I still being careful with the spending, I even threw away coupons for Best Buy and cleared out my Ebay watch page.


Wow, I just got side tracked by one of the wrongest conversations I've ever had.

I adore my Woody.

She just made me snort soda.

harlemrain at 10:51 pm

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