Tuesday, Dec. 07, 2004

A smile on my face and I'm trying...

I got an A on my term paper in history. I was close to a 95% but since I slacked off and then was stood up by my peer editor I lost a few points for not having my peer editing paper.

I talked to mom a bit about my spending, I didn't better than I thought this year and only went a little over budget and will probably get my boxset since its a rare item, but thats it.

No serious spending for a while.

I have to wait for my credit card payment to register then I have a few last minute things to get and I am done.

I also decided today that much more of my stuff will be re-dunged out.

I'm not telling him, but Captain Poopy pants is right. I have stuff and a lot of crap.

If I really want to move on, start over, and grow up, I have to let go of some of my child hood. So many more clothes, books, and toys will be cleaned out. Hopefully this weekend.

I'm still bugging out a bit about my project on Thursday, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll make it through alright.

Oh sweet Jesus can it be only one more week??

I think I could cry. I don't think any one has ever been as eager as I am to take final tests.

harlemrain at 11:36 pm

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