Monday, Aug. 09, 2004

It still feels kinda dirty

I swear I have intentions for a real update on my hand, birthday, trip to grandparents' house and allllll thaaaat jaaaazz, but I'm still too tired and spacey to focus on it all at the moment so I give you a moment of humor as usual brought to you by moi and Woody.

I'm Mount Everest, she's Captain Crack... don't ask...

Mount Everest the Nuclear Powered Assault Weapon says:

is it wrong I like Gene Kelly had a nice butt?

Captain Crack in the attic... with a fork says:


Mount Everest the Nuclear Powered Assault Weapon says:

I was watching Singing In the rain the other night, I've had a crush on him since I first saw it when I was like 7 or 8 but then I cracked my self up cause I mentioned to my self he had a nice butt

Mount Everest the Nuclear Powered Assault Weapon says:

then I was like, "You can't say that about Gene Kelly!"

Captain Crack in the attic... with a fork says:


Mount Everest the Nuclear Powered Assault Weapon says:


Captain Crack in the attic... with a fork says:

you can say that about anyone

Captain Crack in the attic... with a fork says:

you could say the Pope had a nice butt if you thought so

Mount Everest the Nuclear Powered Assault Weapon says:


Mount Everest the Nuclear Powered Assault Weapon says:

you'd go to hell but you could say it

Captain Crack in the attic... with a fork says:


harlemrain at 11:57 pm

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