Friday, Feb. 14, 2003

Still no math!!

I didn't do diddly squat today...I think I'll do about that same tomorrow :D...ya know why?


Yeah I know I talked about this yesterday, but dude this is the first time ever in the history of schooling that I haven't had to worry about those bastard numbers and their damned sidekick equations.

The clouds are finally starting to break up, so it may turn out to be a nice afternoon.

I hope it stays this warm, I'm gettin tired of winter wind and havin sore legs and feet.

Tomorrow I get to go get some new shoes (woo stinkin hoo, shoe shopping), but I'm kinda lookin forward to it cause from the way it sounded, it may be just me and mom.

Ernie's goin out of town next week, so I have a feeling shes gonna be on the phone quite a bit since he's so dependant...but it may not be as bad since Janet's goin too, and shes usually the one who keeps mom on the phone for several hours at a time.

I'm kinda worried about telling my dad and grandparents that I dropped a class. I doubt it'll be a big deal, but I don't wanna have to deal with the "sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal" speechs or all the questions I can't answer fully about my scholarship and money.

They're the main reason I'm worried about losing that damned scholorship.

When I moved out, daddy made this big ass deal about paying for my college since my mom "was putting (me) up"... well he's not paying for it, my grandparents are and they had planned to help me all along, hints the bank account they started for me when I was born...

Anyhoosit, so everytime I talk to him about school or stuff I'm doing in school, the conversation always turns to something about my scholarship and how expensive school would be without it or how I need to keep studying so hard to maintain my grades, it starts to grate on the ol nerves after a while, know what I mean Vern?

I dunno, maybe grandma will just do her usual "Ok" with that slight look of dissapointment and let it go and dad'll just look slightly annoyed.

Its not like I wanted to take the class in the first place and I know if I "sucked it up and stuck with it" I wouldn't get a very good grade, I'm not even seein a possible C with this one.

*shrugs* I dunno, I'm sure it'll work out.... when I finally tell them...

harlemrain at 3:03 pm

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