Thursday, Sept. 09, 2004

All Kindsa Pictures

I promised pictures like a month and a half ago�

It took me all of 20 minutes to resize everything once I did it, figures.

I tried to remember everything I wanted to share pictures of, a few are kind gross and random but yeah�and stuff

Pictures. Yaaay�

My hand the evening of my surgery� it was all swollen and hurt like a mo-fo. For once I was very happy to have drugs at hand.

By the end of two weeks my bandage was all nasty and deteriorating and started smelling of rotten onions, I was very very happy to get ride of it�

It�s kind of fuzzy but here is what my hand looked like when I had the bandage taken off. The resulting scar now looks kinda like a butt crack to me, but isn�t really all that noticeable if you don�t know to look for it. It doesn�t really show up in pictures�

The next evening, after my surgery, I talked my momma into making my birthday cupcakes. I decorated them best I could with one hand and think I did a good job.

This is Ernie�s special pan, I felt really bad his birthday was basically pooed on because it was the same day as my surgery, so I showed him love with food. Very effective with him.

These is mine�

Dis he-ah is my chubby self on my birthday with my new sexy pink hair and my sling

Back of my head (I shall be pinked again this weekend)

Isn�t that the prettiest pink you ever sawed? I was very happy with it and very sad when it faded out.

This is Iggy with his brand spankin new paint job�

I know, I know� my car�s a sexy ass auto-mo-bile�

The haze in this picture finally convinced my mom and step-dad that the cats and I aren�t complete schizos and they may actually be something else �living� in the house with us.

This is disgusting, you�re all damn lucky you didn�t have to smell it�

This is what my step-father does on a regular basis. He fixes some nasty crap, in this case Vienna Sausages, puts it on a plate knowing he probably won�t finish it and then just plops it front and center in the fridge for all to see when they open the door.

Does wonders for diets as I loose all desire to eat after seeing it.

Bazy showing the camera (and her momma) some love. That�s an actually kitty kiss, you should be touched and awed.

I finally got a picture of her without having to use flash. She really is a pretty kitty cat when she�s not goin all psycho.

This is the new Bon Jovi poster I spoke of in my first entry today

I don�t know if you can tell, but the thing is huuuuge and was a beeotch to hang up�

To end on a happy note, a picture of my grandma and grandpa B�s side yard. Many a happy memories involves this yard, that tree, and that swing.

I added a buncha pictures to my �Music sh-tuff� folder that has all my various music posters and well, sh-tuff in it if any one�s interested in what my main habitat (my room) looks like�

harlemrain at 5:26 pm

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