Monday, Oct. 11, 2004

Postcards from the edge


Please send my cd asap, the trillion dollars I spent on shipping truely for nothing if I get my cd after everyone else.


A Cd-less customer


Dear John Taylor,

Restance is futile. LOVE ME!

Yours forever,

Girl in your bushes


Dear Nick Rhodes,

Since you seem to have a thing for little blonde girls and John Taylor insists on resisting my love (for now) we seem to be a perfect match for one of your many "flings".

Yours temporaryly,



Dear Simon LeBon,

While you still reserve place as my first love in Duran and one of my first loves in Duran, I also adore your wife and think you're a rather fetching couple thus we'll have to remain friends... possibly with benefits...

I'll always love you first.




Dear Cox Communications,

You still suck and I am so on to your conspiracy to make me look crazy. Well, people aredy think I'm crazy so HA!

Stop fucking with me or I'll be forced to blow your head office downtown to smithereens.

You stink,

Disgruntled customer # 987,236,315


Dear Monday,

Please be productive.



Dear Vh1 Mega Hits!,

You are sooooo lucky MTV Hits doesn't play any Duran Duran or Bon Jovi or we would be sooo over!


Annoyed Video watcher # 591,371,957


Dear Avril Lavigne,

You're not punk so stop lying to yourself and millions of misguided youth. You're a whiney little bitch who needs to stop chasing after 40 something men in her videos. I'll bet you can't even play the guitar you sling around in your videos. Puck rocker my ass...

Get the fuck over it.


A real rock fan


Dear Rain,

While I do understand your necessity,please clear away until my new windshirld whipers are place on my vehical. I'd rather not die by your drops.




I still have magazines to sort and home work to do.

harlemrain at 2:08 am

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