Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003

"Help Micheal Jackson Cure His Need For Other People's Small Children In His Bed Fund"

I didn't do a whole lot fact I didn't do anything.

I slept till four again... this time without cursing when I woke up.

Yeah I should have done laundry, I should have vaccumed, and should have cleaned my room and maybe got my one bit of homework done...

But I didn't want didn't.

I snuggled in with the Baz in the warm sun light and slept.

It was nice.

Then only thing that kinda sucks is that now that I've had 12 hours of sleep, I can't sleep tonight and of course I have to get up tomorrow to do things with mum.

Oh well.

So while doing my usual surfing around the net I run across yet another piece of gossip connected to the oh so tragic Britney/Justin breakup.


Its been a year...MOVE ON!

I wish these two would go get laid or somethin and get their minds off each other. Who gives a flyin fuck about who cheated on who? Who's dating someone else...who's been spotted at the same club as the other one. Grow up!!

Now she's gonna continue on her "high road" journey and release an album with songs that "speak the truth"...or the love of cheese, just shake your skimpy clothed ass and sing bubble gum...thats what you're good at...stick to it and be happy.

I'm also gettin tired of this whole let's "expose" Micheal Jackson as a freak thing.

We already know dudes a freak! You made him that way!

Hell, I'd probably befriend a monkey and hang out with little kids if I were him too.

Monkeys and Little kids don't care about skin color, plastic surgery, or any of the other shit he gets hounded about.

Yeah, I'll admit, dude's got an unnatural habit of sharing his bed with little kids...but do I think it's sexual?


I think it's emotional. He's filling a void. No thats not an excuse and yes it's probably still messin these kids up, but hows about not chasing after him in the streets with fire and pitch forks screamin death chants...instead lets help him.

Yeah, help him. I say everybody in the world donates a dollar to the "Help Micheal Jackson Cure His Need For Other People's Small Children In His Bed Fund".

We'll get dude a psychitrist who can help him search within himself to find the key to his happiness and therefore find himself as an adult who doesn't need to sleep with small children.

If this doesnt work, he'll get him a high class concubine and fly them to a desert isle where they can share a bed and there are no little children. Maybe the answer to his problems is the lack of sex and therefore orgasm? I don't care what people say...those kids were created with a turkey baster and an eye droper.

Dude probably just needs some nice sex.

But then again...don't we all?

harlemrain at 1:55 am

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