Saturday, Jan. 29, 2005

My new beginning's been snowed in

This is my fourth or fifth attempt to update since last week.

Its not that I don't have anything to say or a desire to update, theres just so much stuff and going ons.

I'm currently battling a slight case of death that doesn't want to let go.

I came down sick last weekend with what appeared to be tonsilitis from hell and over the week it warped into a head/throat cold type thing.

Beats having mono though. Get well soon Bubba. I love you :)

I could probably type a novel like entry over the move and then general chaos caused by a set of retarded movers and a town of people that just kinda do things when they feel like it.

As of right now I have no computer or real internet access. I'm currently on the Captain's computer using the one hook up in the house.

Mom and I took Howard in to Best Buy well over a week ago to see if they could find out what happened to the CD rom drive. It only took me like a year to finally decide to do something about it.

So whenever the Geek Squad or what ever the hell they call themselves decideds to pause their online gameing and RPGs to fix it, I can get it back and we can look into having the wireless internet installed.

Most of my stuff is unpacked and in the general areas it belongs and much to my suprize I'm really only using like a tenth of the storage place I have. I got rid of way more stuff than I thought and actually created another donate box here.

It crazy how many t-shirts I have and even crazier how few I wear, but I keep the mass of them because I'm attached to them. How did I get so attached to so many things?

I'm so gonna be a minimalist in my next life. A minimalist on a tropical beach somewhere. As far away from snow as possible.

I seriously hate snow as of two weeks ago.

Snow is only necessary on Christmas, other than that I was to see some sun shine and 50 degrees or higher days.

We still have the foot of snow from last weekend and it's currently snowing again.

They keep the streets fairly clean, but the snow the plow away from them is naturally piled at the end of everyones' driveways. This isn't like a small pile of snow, we're talkin major snow banks at the end of the driveway. Loose the van in em, snow banks.

I'm slowly getting used to the idea that this is a perminant "trip". I still call Kansas "home" and every once in a while I get fed up with something enough to say I'm ready to go home, but in all truthfullness I know that once I can figure out how to get some kind a routine set I'll probably be alright.

One of the things that seems to bother me the most is that I don't have anywhere to go.

At home if I wanted to get out of the house I could toodle over to Borders or Target, or go see my dad. Here I don't really trust myself to know how to really get anywhere yet. Everything is a trip on the highway away.

I wish it'd warm up and thaw out some so I could maybe talk mom into going out with me some so I can see how to get around to a few places. I'm tired of being cooped up all day.

I also tired of being cold so I'm going back up stairs.

If anyone's out there, drop a line and say hello.

Peace out yos.

harlemrain at 8:10 pm

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