Friday, Aug. 15, 2003

Would you like a cherry squishy today?

Woooooooooo Doggies.

Momma made is home in once piece despite part of Ohio (where she was you sillies) being out of power.

The majority of two was spent out and about, doing everything but the back t school shopping I was promised.

Thanks to the morons at the eye glass place (no endorsment for you, stoopid people!) my glasses were NOT ready in an hour and now I'm left blind again.


I want my glasses dammit.

The evil bitch gave me one pair (I'm getting new frames and also new lenses in my older frames, cause I wanna be special like that) and showed me the wonders of seeing then suddenly realized that obviously they were made wrong.

So I saw clearly for five minutes today and now I am again blind.


I also started a new pill today with fun side effects.

I almost didn;t make it shopping for fear that there wouldn't be adaquate facilities located all over the mall.

Of course, there wasn't...sooo I just had to make sure not to sneeze or both ends would make me sorry and well to be disgustingly blunt, squishy.

Why am I sharing this?

Because I feel all should share a least a small part of my suffering.

Even if all you get is the mental image while I have squishy drawers.

harlemrain at 11:41 pm

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