Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

Let's pretend to be adults!

Ladies and Gentlemen we may have a major.

Wooo wooo Direction wooo woooo!

Wooo wooo Have an idea what to do with my life wooo woooo!

Gonna try a major in the ol psy-chol-la-gee...

or for those of you not keen in the Beaver lingo, Psychology.

Hey what's better than one seriously whacked out person trying to figure out other whacked up people... that's what life's all about isn't it?

Me mum, who has through the years acquired a thick and impressive ressume', says the a Business or Psychology major are probably my best bet for having a choice of jobs when I finish college and am tossed on my clueless hiney in to real world.

Well Business is boring and has lots of usless math that The Lauren wouldn't do much good at.

Psychology, however, is something that facinates The Lauren and seeing how I aced my classes related to it while near death, in my normal health, I outta get good grades, learn stuff I care about, and maybe even enjoy something about school other than the time between classes when I get to hang out with the vending machine.


Alright now,lets play a game called be a responsible abult like person...

First you make a list of crap you need to do:

1) Go to the class at school to make sure I know what the hell I'm doing when this online class starts, thus avoiding instant failure in a subject I'm not so sure about in the first place.

2) Clean out my closet and realize that my ass is now huge rather than the kinda big it used to be. Some cloths are just not gonna fit. *sigh*

3) Clean my room, it stops Bazy from eating the important papers her reatrded owner has stacked all over the place.

4) Vaccume regularly like I promised my mom over a farkin year ago.

5) Get up before it's time to got o bed again.

6) Get off my lazy fat ass and start going to the gym.

Now then, the next step is....


Isn't this fun?? (^_^)


Movie Plug! Movie Plug!

I'm making a new rule, everybody has to rent and/or buy the 2002 version of Four Feathers . This movie is beyond words in amazing. It's been like forever since I was moved by a movie like this.

It was intense, I just had to know what was going to happen next. I don't want to give details cause even a small clue could ruin some part of the story by taking away the suspence.

Just go rent!

harlemrain at 8:48 pm

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