Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004

I ain't dead yet....just smell that way

I slept from 9 last night to basically 5 this aftenoon/evening. Apparenlty the body was a little low of sleep.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with being up for 48 hours straight....

I'm still up to my neck in dog doo...aka homework...

I still kinda feel like it'll never clear out, but my brain knows it will...

This is a definate reason to move it Ohio, a real break. At least a semester I'll bet....

That'll be so nice.

Maybe I'll get a part time job...

Maybe. Who knows... that seems like a life time away still...

I'm still being buried in this one.

Has anyone ever been homeworked to death?

harlemrain at 10:15 pm

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