Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004

Ray of Light

And the clouds opened and Jesus looked down and said, "Duuuuude! Yo, Lauren girl, my bad! I forgot you was down there waitin! Here lemme help..."

And help he did.

I still have the same, huge, unbelievable, load of homework due next week, but I got help today that made th harder part of it easier and I just got a lot lifted off my chest while I stayed again all night.

It poured all day today, so mu body is seriously on huge knot from trying not to freak out. Again, everything went fine, I hit a few pot holes and puddles I thought were gonna do me in, but other than that I got through fine.

Apparently I passed my test. Or atleast I hope I did, I was startin to wonder if I was gonna have to write the second Book of Job based of my experiences here...

Now I'm going to go be coma tose in my big man's, booger green chair.

harlemrain at 7:24 pm

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